A place to share my latest creative pieces. (I know a million bloggers already do this, but I NEEDED a place too!)


Summer {Fun} School—Birds

We have successfully completed our first week of summer fun school at our house!  Here’s a glimpse of what we did!

summer fun school copy_thumb[8]

For the first week, we chose birds.  No rhyme or reason to it, just did…

For math, I found a large open bird clipart online.  I copied it to a word document and enlarged it to fit the whole page.  I added color words at the bottom in a text box.  Then I assigned each color a number.  For my 7 year old, I wrote subtraction sentences in each space of the bird, and did addition for my 5 year old. 

birds 1

After they answered the math equations, they looked at the answer and colored it according to the number/color at the bottom.

birds 2

For science, I googled “how do birds fly?”.  We found a couple of websites all about how birds fly.  One even had a visual breakdown.  It was actually quite cool, and the boys kept doing it over and over!

We did a science/food experience in one.  We made rice crispy treats with colored marshmallows.  We hypothesized as to what color the marshmallow goo would turn out to be in the end.  None of us were right.  (It turned out pink-ish.)  The yummiest science experiment ever!  Then we shaped the treats into bird nests, complete with marshmallow eggs.  (We were wishing Peeps were still available!)


For our art project, we got out paint and tried to paint something that had to do with birds.  The 7 year old painted a nest in reeds, the 5 year old painted a tree with a bird nest and bird in it.  The 3 year olds just painted—their first painting experience. 

paint 1paint 2

Our fieldtrip was pretty easy.  We live near a bird refuge, so we went there.  There’s a museum that we explored first—they had a lot of fun hands-on things.  We also got a visual check-list of some of the birds that we’d see at the refuge.  They have a 12 mile drive around the marshes to see birds up close.  We went on that and saw some pretty cool birds!  (Though since we live in the country we see most of them by our house anyway.Winking smile

Great Blue Heron

That is a great blue heron flying away from us.  Pretty cool!

I also did a few other activities with the kids when they wanted to do more school.  We have these fun white boards and I have the kids practice writing whatever they need to work on.  To make it more fun, when they’re done they get to circle their very best looking number or letter when they’re done. 

white board

Also, my 5 year old needs practice cutting, so I made an easy fun cutting path paper on the back side of some junk mail.  (And yes, he wears his Spiderman suit almost everyday.)


When school is done, we all get a small treat—sometimes it really helps motivate them!

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